What are the conditions of registering on aviationcourses.ie ?
National and EC regulations state that only persons that have an operational need for aviation security training may take part in training be it classroom based training or computer based training.
Before any company or individual can complete their registration they must first download the letter of confirmation that will be emailed to them once they click register on the site registration page. This letter can only be completed by an approved regulated entity designated security manager, stating their entity details and number, as well as the security manager details and confirmation that they are accepting responsibility for the persons or contract company they are authorizing to access such restricted material.
Background Check
EC regulations 2015/1998 and amending body EC regulation 2019/103 11.1.5 state that “A background check shall be completed before a person undergoes initial security training involving access to information which is not publicly available due to its security sensitivity.” When signing the letter of confirmation, the entity security manager is accepting full responsibility for ensuring any persons being assigned to take part in such security training courses has completed a background check in compliance with national and EU requirements.
Reporting Procedures
In the event aviationcourses.ie determines that the registration is being missuses and unauthorised persons may be provided access to security sensitive material, they will proceed to contact the designated security manager responsible for authorizing access to the material and where gross neglect has been confirmed on suspected, WD Training Centre will report the incident to the appropriate authorities.
Training Requirements
Due to the nature of aviation security it has been agreed by WD Training Centre and the Irish Authorities that the approved security training organisation will be responsible for validating assigned trainees have an operational need for such training and complete full training without the assistance of any third parties.
WD Training Centre has agreed that trainee profile pictures will be required as part of the validation process of trainees. Additional requiremnts include courses to be completed on a device equipped with a webcam as snapshots will be created as proof of none assistance.
All requirements are covered within national and EC GDPR legislation, (click here for further GDRP information for www.aviationcourses.ie).